
Monday Cookies: Portraits of Two Cats.

Hello, again. If I don’t look familar to you, I’ll remind you: the name’s Patch. The last time I was here, Mari stuffed me into some multicolor jacket that made me look more like Liberace’s son than the class act cat that I truly am. Well, that was tame compared to what she did to me this time: those glasses. I’m not sure Elton John would wear those. And a shirt and tie? Is it just me or is Mari on crack? In addition to being classy, I’m cool. I mean, look at that hot pink tie. Shudder.

But I must say, Mari did make my lovely sister, whom I affectionately call Lady L. look lovely. Trust me, my claws would be out if she made Lady L. look any less dignified than she deserves. After all, Lady L. puts up with moi, and that’s a lot.

Have a cat’s meow of a week my friends.

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8 Responses to “Monday Cookies: Portraits of Two Cats.”

  1. Paz Says:

    Hey there, Patch: I think that you and Lady L look divine. You carry those glasses and tie off very well. Looking good!

    Cat’s meow of a week, to you, too.


  2. Lily Says:

    Usually I look at your cookies as great pieces of art. These two are no exception, but for some reason I want to eat them! They really look quite appetizing.
    Well done Mari.

  3. Lily Says:

    PS I like your story about them too.

  4. mischief mari Says:

    Paz, Thanks for the compliments. But I seriously am way better looking than this portrait. And those glasses are over the top. Please, PLEASE, talk some sense into Mari. - Patch

    Lily, I am a true work of art. In real life. Just wish Mari wouldn’t make me look so burlesque. - Patch

  5. Captain Cat Says:

    That is my new favourite expression, a cat’s meow of a week - love it.

    Has your summer seen any reprieve from the heat yet? It rained for the two weeks I was in the UK, but it was always going to, being England… it was nice though. Now I’m back in Afghanistan, where it is scorchingly hot.

    Gorgeous cookies by the way. And I KNOW what they taste like too! Unless you have used a slightly different recipe. I’m pretty sure you have thousands.


  6. Rhonda Smith Says:


    Love your cats! And on my Birthday-I feel honored (lol). I’m sure they’re delish and they do look appetizing.

  7. Marilyn Says:

    Ohmygod, I *love* Lady L. :)

  8. Ooh, Baby. Things are a-changing around here. | cha no ma-ri Says:

    [...] and silkscreen designs. I thought some small painted versions of my beloved Blue Dachshund and Patch the Cat (also known as Master P.) would make for nice decorations on the wall next to the baby’s [...]

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